Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Wishing my readers a fun and safe Halloween!

Ericka was very excited this morning to dress up for her daycare's Halloween party! Her teachers noted her costume was yellow! No surprise there!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Toothy Thursday

My little guy has cut his second tooth and boy, is it wreaking havoc in this household.

Sleep? Who needs it?
Especially when your adorable almost 7 month old flashes you the cutest smile EVER!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Boy Is 6 Months Old!

My my.. where has the time flown?
It quite honestly feels like Evan is older than 6 months.. but really, he's still a baby! I think the combination of feeling like I've been off work for a year and the fact that Evan is just growing like a weed, makes me feel like my lil boy is much older than he is.

We celebrated his 6 months with a mini photo shoot!

I should've known it was going to be a bit of a gong show... Evan is such a mover and hates to just sit up and be still. (He's kind of like his sister).  I don't think there is one shot that turned out great but perhaps with a bit of photoshopping I can make something work to hang up to frame later.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Is He Crazy?

Last week my husband had the wonderful opportunity to participate in the Easter Seals Drop Zone event.

By "Drop Zone", I mean my husband repelled down the side of of London, Ontario's tallest buildings.. One London Place. This was all in the name of charity!

One London Place

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