Thursday, August 16, 2012

Something Special

We have some of the most amazing family & friends who love us. Seriously!
Everything from visits to support to gifts.. it's all been a blessing and we are thankful for everything.

There is this one particular gift we received from one of my best friend's mom, who really is like another mom to me, that made my heart melt when I laid my eyes on it.

Have you ever seen an old school Blue Jays bed set? No? Well, we are now proud owners of a special one of a kind set!!!
All thanks to our good friend Brenda!

Check out the fitted crib sheet 
A crib set for baby Evan, all made by his Auntie Brenda! :)

Blanket. AMAZING!

Specially ordered sheets...

Love this logo
...and specially crafted for a boy whose dad's passion is baseball.

The top crib sheet.. with his name embroidered on it! wow!!
Brenda is so thoughtful putting this together.. check out the sewing pattering-- much like a baseball seam!! How kick ass is that?

Close up of the sewing pattern
Like the stitching seam on a baseball. Totally AMAZEBALLS!!!!
Daddy's favourite team, front and centre.  Evan is a fan!

Words cannot express what this means to me, Norm and for Evan growing up. Evan will not know how special this set is, until he takes it out of storage for his son to use in the future.

Honestly, this is a "one and only" kind of bedding.

This is truly amazing and we are blessed to have Auntie Brenda a part of our lives.

But it doesn't stop here. The bedding isn't the only handcrafted gift she has made for my kids. Check these wonderful gifts Brenda has put together for Ericka:

There's the bath robe or "house coat" as Ericka calls it.
A special robe for Ericka.. so soft & warm
Ericka's initials 
She sleeps with it on top of her blankets.. no lie. Every night.

A special bath towel for Ericka.

A cat taking a bath!! SO FUN! And with Ericka's initials :)
A soft and warm blankie for Ericka featuring cats!

The inside is soft and SO SO warm. The work on this blanket is so awesome
And a series of onesies made for Ericka given at my shower.

Ericka back in May 2010

Brenda.. you are truly a thoughtful, talented and caring woman.

Thank-you so much from the bottom of our hearts. ALL this means more to us than you know!

Mel, Norm, Ericka & Evan



  1. She is so talented! LOVE the crib bedding and the housecoat! SOOO cute and nothing better than homemade gifts like that, that they will hold onto and cherish for life :) She is a very thoughtful lady to put in all those special touches!


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