Friday, December 23, 2011

The Mad Dash

Check out this video I took this week of Ericka at the end of our Little Gym class.

We always end the class with a good-bye song... Ericka decided to sit on the other side of the room of me. She participated with the clapping et al, which is kind of unusual of her...
The next part.. she waited for the moment the teacher mentioned "time to go on home and get a stamp" to make a dash to the door where all the kiddies get stamps on their foot, hands and tummies.

She's hilarious!


  1. Yay, finally blog posts!! Start them now before you have baby #2 hehe ;)

  2. I know eh? You'll see one from me everyday.. and when you see them stop, you know I had baby #2! haha Thanks Brandi!!

  3. Looking forward to it! I've been trying to get into the groove of blogging every day again lol. I'm sure my mom will follow your blog as well :)

  4. Holy cow is she fast! That's funny! Love the pig tails.


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